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Family Information

2024-25 Student Family Handbook

student family handbook cover

The OUSD Student Family Handbook is available for download either as the full handbook (in one file) or by individual sections.

Full Handbook



Chinese (coming soon)


Attendance is very important in order for your child to succeed! If your student arrives after 8:35 am please make sure they sign in on the tardy log as they have been marked absent. If your student is going to be absent please give us a call at 510-879-2101 and leave a voicemail or email our attendance specialist at: 

Student Early Pick up
If you are picking up your student early, please come to the office first and wait for an office staff member to call your student down to the office. 

If you are visiting your student's classroom, please be sure to arrange a time with your student's teacher and get a visitor's pass from the office.