We use Eureka Squared math curriculum, which focuses on strong concept development to prepare students for real world math challenges. Teachers incorporate strategies to acquire academic vocabulary related to math, in order to express their thinking.
Our EL curriculum incorporates strong phonics instruction at each student's level, while emphasizing increasing academic vocabulary and comprehension of complex text. Allendale has made big strides in developing student foundational literacy skills, with all lower grade students receiving letter identification and SIPPS instruction in small groups 3 - 5 times/week.
Teachers utilize EL Education learning modules for reading and writing. School wide, there has been great emphasis on developing writing skills. We also utilize an online reading program, iReady which is adaptive to the learning needs of each individual student.
We use NGSS FOSS (Full Option Science System) science curriculum. FOSS is focused on inquiry-based learning, hands-on learning and active investigation, group work, engineering, and ELA integration.