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Mission and Instructional Vision

At Allendale, we ensure that our graduates have the academic and social-emotional skills and mindsets to be successful in middle school. As a team, we know we have an opportunity to leverage the many strengths that our community, families and students bring. 

We engage families as partners, as we know they have a lot to offer to ensure their learners are thriving. Through parent workshops and conferences, we seek to learn about their children’s strengths and provide families with tools to engage their children at home. Our primary focus as a team of adults working is to ensure that Allendale students leave our school with the following:

  • Demonstrated mastery of Common Core, NGSS standards, and IEP goals as evidenced by performance on benchmark and summative assessments (e.g., iReady, FOSS, SBAC and CAST). 
  • Being reclassified from English Learner to English-Proficient/Fluent as evidenced by ELPAC and RI. 
  • Strong self-regulation skills, knowing that when they face personal and academic challenges, they have strategies to overcome them. 
  • Prosocial skills to build healthy relationships with peers and adults.